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Wow Legendary Tracker Addon

Hey all, I'm looking for an addon that can track my procs (ex: Power Torrent) and the downtime. Free rar password recovery 4 software. Like when it procs I want a bar ticking down the 12 seconds of Power Torrent and then as soon as it ends I want it to track the 45s ICD.

Classic - General
469 files
Action Bar Mods
238 files
Auction House & Vendors
100 files
Bags, Bank, Inventory
324 files

Blood Shield Tracker is an addon to track the value of the Death Knight Blood Shield. It can show bars for the following items: The current Blood Shield value (when Blood Shield is up). Jan 09, 2020 Best Lightweight Node Tracking Addon GatherLite GatherLite, as the name implies, is a lightweight addon for tracking nodes. Like GatherMate 2, it displays herb, mining, treasure, and fishing nodes on the main map and minimap. It collects its data not only from the user but also from party and guild members of that user. Jan 09, 2020 Best Quest Tracking Classic Addons Quest trackers do just that: they maintain a list of your quests on your screen without you having to go into the Quests section and track quests manually. They don't reveal quest locations or help you find quest goals - they simply list what you need to work on.

Buff, Debuff, Spell
306 files
Casting Bars, Cooldowns
120 files
Character Advancement
370 files
Chat Mods
388 files
Class & Role Specific
Combat Mods
436 files
Data Mods
120 files
36 files
Graphic UI Mods
400 files
Group, Guild & Friends
205 files
Info, Plug-in Bars
Map, Coords, Compasses
252 files
40 files
Mini Games, ROFL
104 files
Mounts & Pets
108 files
PvP, Arena, BattleGrounds
245 files
Raid Mods
372 files
RolePlay, Music Mods
157 files
26 files
TradeSkill Mods
161 files
217 files
UI Media
339 files

Wow Legendary Tracker Addon Build

Unit Mods
220 files
724 files
Utility Mods
126 files
7 files
Iriel's Castle
13 files
Leatrix Projects
2 files
Norganna's AddOns
5 files
Tekkub's Emporium of Random Crap
55 files
Graphical Compilations
412 files
Minimalistic Compilations
417 files
Class Compilations
228 files
Guild Compilations
20 files
DPS Compilations
219 files
Healer Compilations
169 files

Wow Legendary Tracker Addon List

Tank Compilations
101 files
Generic Compilations
357 files
126 files
Developer Utilities
77 files
WoW Tools & Utilities
94 files
Battle for Azeroth Beta
53 files
Beta-version AddOns
65 files
Plug-Ins & Patches
705 files

Wow Addons World Quest Tracker

Discontinued and Outdated Mods
3,802 files

The World of Warcraft community has created a variety of top-notch mods for small pet enthusiasts. Hp deskjet 3420 driver for windows 10. For help installing, see WoW Interface's FAQ.

Pet Hunting

  • PetTracker
    This addon does several things. It displays the locations of all pets on the world map, tracks all pets you have still to catch in a given zone, displays all your enemies and allies abilities as you fight, and it even suggests which is the most appropriate pet for your current enemy.
  • Battle Pet BreedID
    Battle Pet BreedID is a standalone addon that will display the Breed of any pet when in battle, in your Pet Journal, and in pet item tooltips (both in your bags and in the auction house). Perfect for anyone seeking a specific breed of battle pet.
  • Cancel Pet Fight
    A handy addon for hunting rare pets. It tells you if there are no rares in the pet(s) you're battling and lets you hit 'Escape' to cancel the fight, rather than having to click the white flag and then click the confirmation dialog. It does not activate if there are rares.
  • NPCScan
    This addon is perfect for collecting pets dropped by rare mobs, such as the baby raptors. It automatically alerts you whenever a rare mob is near.
  • Rarity
    This addon tracks how many chances you've had to obtain various rare items throughout the game. It will tell you how likely you are to obtain the item, track how long you've been farming for it, etc. Provides an LDB feed, tooltips, and progress bar.

Pet Battles

Legendary Tracker Wow

  • Rematch
    Rematch is an addon to help create, store, recall and share battle pet teams. Its primary purpose is to store and recall battle pets (and their teammates) for various targets. Very useful.
  • Annene
    Annene is an addon that rearranges the pet battle interface so that everything is now in one place (centered under the battle) rather than UI elements at both the top and bottom of your screen.
  • Daily Tamer Check
    Tracks the completion of daily tamer quests. The main panel shows the tamers that give a sack of pet supplies as a reward. By mousing over the bottom-left and bottom-right buttons, you can see the other tamers divided into categories.
  • Battle Pet Daily Tamer
    Puts a familiar paw on the world map marking where any daily Pet Tamers are that you have not battled against for that day. Initially, it only marks the tamers that reward pet supply satchels. But you may mark all tamers if you prefer.
  • Derangement's Pet Battle Cooldowns
    Get help reacting to opposing abilties when they come out of cooldown. This addon shows the cooldowns and buff/debuff durations for ALL abilities in a pet battle — even benched pets.
  • Pet Theory
    This addon improves upon the functionality of the Pet Journal (including zone filters) and provides useful information during Pet Battles and while wandering Azeroth.
  • Niggles: Pet Teams
    This addon can create an unlimited number of Battle Pet Teams. Once created, the pet teams can be edited, loaded and exported. The list of pet teams is displayed as part of the standard Blizzard Pet Journal.
  • Pet Battle Tabs
    Similar to the above, this addon provides another way to organize teams of pets. You can create up to 8 battle team loadouts and toggle between them by pushing the tabs on the Pet Journal.
    Provides a complete rewrite of the Blizzard Battle Pet frames that is a clone of those from your favorite childhood game. Features movable unit frames, custom graphics, randomized intro scenes and more!
  • PetBattle Pokemon Mod
    This addon will let the user automatically play music from various Pokemon games during a pet battle. Just go into your Interface and look under addon PetBattlePokemonMusic. The first section there will let you set your music tracks for wild and trainer battles.
  • Pet Battle Music
    This AddOn simply plays custom music (like Pokemon music) during pet battles. To add tracks, follow the instructions in music.lua.

Pet Summoning

  • Pets and Mounts
    A highly customizable auto and random summoning addon for your pets and mounts. Summon a specific mount or pet in a specific zone, for example. 100+ options. Includes Data Broker support and Ace3 profiles.
  • GupPet
    GupPet is an addon that gives an extension for mounting and calling critters. By a single click, it mounts a ground, swimming or flying mount depending on the players location. This mod features many bells and whistles, including collection tracking.
  • MiniPetQ
    A broker addon that will allow you to create a list of favorite companions (minipets) and easily summon them. There are keybindings for dismissing, summoning random or summoning the 'favorite' pet.
  • NugMiniPet
    This addon will ALWAYS keep a vanity pet by your side! It hooks companions to forward movement, auto-summoning a random pet whenever you walk or run (provided you don't have one summoned). Also includes a setting for favorites.
  • PetLeash
    Another addon that always keeps a vanity pet by your side based on the list of pets you choose. Includes options for auto-disabling while stealthed, making it ideal for rogues and druids.
  • RandomCompanion
    This mod allows you to choose a random pet or mount at the push of a button. Companions can be weighted to be chosen more or less often, or disabled altogether. When mounting, the mod will automatically choose the best type of mount based on your location.

Pet Collecting

  • Collectinator
    This addon provides methods for determining which vanity pets and mounts you're missing to help you in your ongoing collecting efforts.
  • Collect Me
    This mod keeps track of your companions and mounts and can show you any that you are missing with additional information on where to get them. It also can summon companions randomly with a prioritiy list.
  • Livestock
    This mod sorts your pets and mounts into land mounts, flying mounts, and vanity pets. Then, with the push of a button or use of unique slash commands, you can randomly summon any of the three.

Pet Behavior

  • Chinchilla Critter Emote
    Chincilla Critter Emote will have your vanity pets do fun and random things. When you have a pet out, every so often it will emote something fun. You can also have your pets become more interactive by having them emote custom actions by using /ce instead of /emote. Your pets will also respond to the in game emotes.

More Addons

  • Pet Battle Addons at Curse
    Curse features even more addons for pet battle enthusiasts that aren't listed here. Click here to browse.
  • Companion Addons at Curse
    Curse features additional addons for companion collectors that may not be listed here. Check 'em out.

Pet Macros

  • WoW Pet Macros
    Looking for cut-n-paste pet macros? Check out our page of pet macros, perfect for any battle master or companion collector.
Suggest an Addon: Do you know of an addon that's ideal for vanity pet collectors? Contact us with a brief description of the mod and a link and we'll consider adding your suggestion.

DISCLAIMER: WarcraftPets.com is not responsible for creating or maintaining any of the addons listed above. If an addon is not working properly, we suggest you contact the addon's author. Trc file viewer.

Wow Legendary Tracker Addon
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