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Dirk Wears White Sox

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In 2014, Adam is the last true survivor of these mavericks, the only living messenger from Malcom, Derek Jarman, the art school mavericks- he channeled this all into a remarkable album called Dirk Wears White Sox and into he recent material and this spring sees a rare moment when an artist dares to lift the lid of this Pandoras Box of ideas. Together with Dirk Wears White Sox, which was quite an independent-sounding art school album, it brought another life into it. So I never waste any songs. Any songs I have written I do plan to. Ghost windows 8.1 luxury x86 by khatmau_sr activated. Adam and the Ants - Dirk Wears White Socks from Digital Tenderness DVD. About Dirk Wears White Sox This Dirk Wears White Sox album was released in 1979 and featured titles like Car Trouble, Kick and Digital Tenderness from Adam & The Ants and Adam Ant.

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Dirk Wears White Sox


Dirk Wears White Sox is the debut studio album by Adam and the Ants, released in 1979. It is the only album released by the original Adam and the Ants line-up, who would go on to be swiped by Malcolm McLaren for Bow Wow Wow. The 'Dirk' of the title refers to classic British film icon Dirk Bogarde.


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White Sox Commercial 1979

  1. 'Cartrouble (Parts 1 & 2)'
  2. 'Digital Tenderness'
  3. 'Nine Plan Failed'
  4. 'Day I Met God'
  5. 'Tabletalk'

Side Two

  1. 'Cleopatra'
  2. 'Catholic Day'
  3. 'Never Trust A Man (With Egg On His Face)'
  4. 'Animals And Men'
  5. 'Family Of Noise'
  6. 'The Idea'

Bonus Tracks (Reissues):

  1. 'Kick!' (2:05)
  2. 'Zerox' (3:45)
  3. 'Whip In My Valise' (3:58)
  4. 'Physical' (3:59)
  5. 'Friends' (2:40)

Principal Members:

  • Adam Ant - lead vocals, guitar, piano, harmonica
  • Matthew Ashman - guitar, piano
  • Dave Barbarossa - drums, percussion
  • Marco Pirroni - guitar
  • Andrew Warren - bass

Never Trope A Man (With Egg On His Face):

Dirk Wears White Sox
  • Album Title Drop: The line 'Dirk wears white sox' doesn't appear until 'Don't Be Square (Be There)' on the NEXT Ants' album, Kings of the Wild Frontier.
  • Aliens Are Bastards: 'Never Trust A Man (With Egg On His Face)', in which a woman shoots her husband in front of her children because of an extraterrestrial conspiracy (or possibly just a psychotic break):
    She was the victim of an awful plan
    Announced through the mouthpiece of a little green man
    She'd heard the voices from outer space
  • Advertisement:
  • Alliterative Name: The main character in 'Whip In My Valise'
    I can't thank her, my Sunday spanker
  • Anti-Love Song: 'Digital Tenderness'
    That alphabet you call love is just a digital tenderness
    (.) And my heart is stronger than a four-letter-long word
  • Belief Makes You Stupid: 'The Idea'
    You didn't have to kneel down
    A god would say 'hello'
    An angel touched my shoulder
  • Car Song: 'Cartrouble (Parts 1 & 2)'
    Ever stopped to think who's the slave and who's the master?
    Have you ever had to push, push, push?
  • Deliberately Monochrome: The album cover.
  • Ethereal Choir: 'The Day I Met God'
    And the herald angels sang: 'Ooh, ooh, oooh, ooh
  • Gratuitous Italian: 'Animals And Men'
  • Mundane Made Awesome: 'Cartrouble', a song about . well. car trouble.
  • Named After Somebody Famous: 'Cleopatra', named after the Egyptian queen Cleopatra VII.
  • One-Woman Song: 'Cleopatra'.
  • One-Word Title: 'Tabletalk', 'Kick!', 'Zerox', 'Physical' and 'Friends'.
  • Post-Punk: It was released in it's wake.
  • Record Producer: Adam Ant and Chris Hughes.
  • Religion Rant Song: 'The Idea'
    I could be religious if.
    I could be religious if.
    I could be religious if.
  • Shout-Out:
    • The 'Dirk' in the album title refers to actor Dirk Bogarde.
    • 'Catholic Day' references the assassination of John F. Kennedy and his affair with Marilyn Monroe. The song also name-drops the line 'I see the chickens have come home to roost', which was Malcolm X's reaction when interviewed about JFK's death.
    Kennedy died in '63
    (.) No more messing around, playing with Monroe
    Poor Jackie-
    • 'Animals And Men' references artists from the Futurism movement:
    Marinetti, Boccioni, Carra, Balla, Palazzeschi!
    Futurist Manifesto!
    • 'Cleopatra' has a reference to the film Cleopatra, and what a disappointment it was:
      Elizabeth and Richard gave you
    • 'Family Of Noise' quotes from 'She Loves You' by The Beatles, available on Past Masters.
    • 'Nine Plan Failed'
    And he sings like Buddy Holly
  • Sadist: The subject person in 'Whip In My Valise', whose activities include pulling the wings off flies, killing grandmothers and good old punishment.
  • Spell My Name with an 'S': The word 'socks' is spelled as 'sox' in the title.
  • Stock Punishment: 'Whip In My Valise'
    You put my head into the stocks
  • Too Kinky to Torture: The main character in 'Whip In My Valise'
    I can't thank her, my Sunday spanker
  • War Is Hell: 'Nine Plan Failed'
    After nine years in the army, they took away his brain
    And signed him up again


Dirk Wears White Sox
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